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;; -*- lisp -*- 
;; ***************************************************************************
;;       Ingos GNU Emacs configuration for win
;; This file holds the GNU Emacs configuration for windoze
;; Most of it might also be ok for XEmacs, but not using it, I didn't test it.
;; Date        Version  Author  Reason
;; 2000/04/23  1.1.0    ko      Oops, a major rewrite !
;;                              This file contains only customizations which
;;                              belong to the NT-Emacs installation.
;; ***************************************************************************
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Setup the path to the additional packages which are not part of the 
;; standard Emacs distribution, but very, very useful.
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(setq load-path (append
   '("d:/site-lisp/"                     ; all this one file stuff
     "d:/site-lisp/vm/"                  ; vm, it works for me with emacs 20.xx
     "d:/site-lisp/progmodes/"           ; python, various sql, delphi e.a.
     "d:/site-lisp/jde/lisp"             ; lovely jde (the current beta)
     "d:/site-lisp/jde-addon/"           ; and addons for it
     "d:/site-lisp/oo-browser"           ; nice stuff to browse oo-language
     "d:/site-lisp/oo-browser/hypb/"     ; files
     "d:/site-lisp/eshell"               ; shell replacement done in elisp 
     "d:/site-lisp/pcomplete"            ; belongs to eshell
     "d:/site-lisp/bbdb/lisp"            ; Big Brother DataBase

(setq javahelp-directories '( "G:/dev/java/jdk1.3/docs/api" 
                              "G:/dev/java/jdk1.3/docs/api/index-files" ))
(setq javahelp-temp-dir "G:/tmp/")

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; some user vars
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(setq default-directory "g:/projekte/")

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; The following package provides a Windoze open file dialog for the people 
;; who don't like dired. But be careful: macros concerning C-x C-f won't work
;; anymore !
;; This package is available at Goeff Voelkers NT-emacs FAQ
;; You all know Goeffs page, don't you ? 8-))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(load "dlgopen")

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Support for postscript printing with the Kyocera-laser attached to
;; the linux-box (thanks to Theodore Jump for doing this).
;; available at:
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(setq-default w32-print-use-faces nil
	      w32-print-paper-type 'a4
	      w32-print-lpr-destination "\\\\komserver\\PS_600dpi"
              w32-print-ps-destination "\\\\komserver\\PS_600dpi"
	      w32-print-lpr-path "d:/bin"
	      w32-print-psnup-path "d:/bin"
	      w32-print-lpr-draft-prefix ""
	      w32-print-lpr-nlq-prefix ""
	      ; Well, here is a thing I don't understand, the defaults
	      ; are set to 12.0 and 10.0, printing with these, gives
	      ; gives me a small font on the printed page.
	      ; Increasing the values to 14.0 makes the fonts smaller
	      ; (as opposite to what I thought what would happen 8-(( )
	      ; Making the value smaller increases the size of the font.
	      ; Hmm, I don't understand this. Ted, what about a hint 
	      ; about this ?
	      w32-print-ps-code-font-size 8.0
	      w32-print-ps-text-font-size 8.0

(load "w32-print" 'noerror 'nomessage) 

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; setting up bash as the shell for emacs on win32
;; this is currently only used for my installation of the CYGNUS-Tools,
;; but it worked the same way for the emx port of the gnu utilities on OS/2
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(setq binary-process-input t)
;; For the interactive shell
(setq explicit-shell-file-name "d:/bin/bash.exe")
;; For subprocesses invoked via the shell (e.g., "shell -c command")
(setq shell-file-name "d:/bin/sh.exe")
(setq win32-quote-process-args t)
     (setq shell-command-switch "-c")

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; browsing of urls via emacs with the favourite browser (do we have the 
;; choice ? )
;; M$ internet exploder - never ever
;; Netscape complicator - not better
;; singing in the opera - better voice than others, but you won't get it for 
;;                        free (btw. sometimes it's worth to pay for a software
;;                        if it fits to your needs, some developers can't live
;;                        without a bit of food 8-))  )
;; do the lynx          - if text is all about the world outside
;; emacs w3-mode        - may be I'm blind, deaf and dumb, but this gives me
;;                        nothing more than lynx 8-((
;; available at:
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(defvar shell-execute-helper "shelex.exe")
(defun shell-execute-url (url &optional new-window)
     "Invoke the shell-execute-helper program to call ShellExecute and launch
     or re-direct a web browser on the specified url."
        (interactive "sURL: ")
        (call-process shell-execute-helper nil nil nil url))

(setq browse-url-browser-function 'shell-execute-url)
(setq gnus-button-url 'shell-execute-url)               ; GNUS
(setq vm-url-browser 'shell-execute-url)                ; VM

;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; All done, exit with a message
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
(message ".emacs-gnu-win successfully loaded")

All content copyright by the contributors. Website maintained with Emacs , wsmake and html-helper-mode
Emacs community logo by Daniel Lundin Last updated on Sat Jan 22 14:57:05 2005 by Ingo Koch